Monday, July 25, 2011

All About Me A-Z

A – Accidents 01. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, not the best experience of my life.
02. Do you have a lot of scars? not really, just little ones from cuts.
03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? no, just playfully hitting someone in the arm.
04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? not that I know of.
05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? in my mouth, getting my wisdom teeth out.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Relaxing Walk on the Beach

As you walk to the waters edge you see before you a vast ocean of glimmering blue. As you draw near, the rhythmic sounds of the waves flow to your ears wiping out the hectic noises of your busy day. You watch as the waves blanket the shore as they search for treasures to carry back to the sea.

As you slowly wade into the water you feel the soft touch of watery fingers as they caress your feet and with each step the tension leaves your body. As the weight of the noise and tension leave you, your body feels as light as a feather. The quiet rhythm of rocking waves float you peacefully along as you search for a place to rest.

In the distance you see a reef extending far out into the oceans core. A thick blanket of velvety moss cushions the weather smoothed rocks as you journey out into the quiet sea. At the farthest point you find the perfect place where the water almost surrounds you. A cushioned seat cradles you as you relax to the rhythmic whisper of the soothing waves.

< Soon glittering rays of light gather across the waters surface giving the eyes a path to the light show in the sky. Quietly, as if cued by your stillness the sun reluctantly begins to slip to it's nocturnal rest and slowly the day's lights dim.

The water soon becomes aflame with orange, yellow and red sky lights that surround you as the stirring colors dance with the waves back to the shore. As the sun takes it's final peek he clings to the earth's edge, his strength weakens while soft clouds move cautiously towards his remaining light. Creeping slowly past the sun their brightness dimming in his presence makes them dark invaders dancing across the bright sky. Patiently the evening stars, waiting for the suns final act to end, dance quietly in the distant background.

With a final burst he coats the sky with a brilliant red before slipping over the edge. Victors once again of the sky, evening descends and changes the brilliant red to a darkening scarlet dotted with the sparkle of distant lights. As the horizon eventually fades to darkness, the sky explodes with tiny starlet dancers that move to the rhythmic whisper of the gentle waves. Hypnotically their soft twinkle closes your tired eyes while the waves softly whisper their goodnights and you drift effortlessly into a peaceful sleep.

Copyright 1996 BAHumbert

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Prism of a Thousand Hues

With the first gleam of morning rays, the garden is a prism of a thousand hues refracted in tiny does of crystal dew, a dazzling quilt of millefleur colors covering the sleeping flower beds.