Monday, October 5, 2009

there's never a wish better than this

This is not an ordinary quiz/survey. These are questions that require a bit of thinking and may take several hours to complete. Answer them with as much or as little detail as you want, but remember, the more information you give, the more interesting it is to read.

Name: Chelsea

Age: 25

Birthday: May 22nd, 1984

Location: Saint John, NB, Canada

*Now on to the "interesting and unique" questions*

A genie offers to grant you ONE wish, what would you wish for?
This seems so simple, but it is the one thing that makes the world go round, other than love, and that is money. I want to be able to do some things with my family and friends that might be possible with a little bit more money. Being debt free would be a fantabulous thing and therefore I could do whatever I wanted. They say money can't buy happiness, but hey, it would sure put a smile on my face.

If you could be any animal, which one would you choose and why?
Not a freaking clue, a hampster because they sleep all day, a horse because they are so magestic, or bird because they can fly so high.

You can return to ANY time period. Which one do you choose and why?
I would love to be able to see the first few billion years of Earth's and the universe's creation, was it really by God's hand that we all came into being, or by the theoretical Big Bang that basically thrust every kind of matter into the vast space we call the universe....?

You have to belong to another culture.
Egyptian, not present day, but back in Ancient times.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
As much as I love summer, I would have to pick fall. But only the early weeks of autumn where the temperature can still reach 20 degrees during the day.
You can be friends with any fictional character. Who do you choose? Why?
I would choose the character Christopher Snow from the Dean Koontz novels Fear Nothing and Seize the Night. He suffers from the rare (but real) disease called XP (xeroderma pigmentosum) and lives his life by night and sleeps during the day. There is a myterious conspiracy surrounding the town that he lives in and Christopher learns many things as he travels in the night with his companion, a black lab named Orson. He has a fantastic relationship with his dog and also with his friends, and it would be very interesting to actually be that character in real life.

You get to meet any historical figure. Who do you choose and why?I would have to say Hitler, I would love to sit down and talk with him and ask why he did the things he did, why he killed all those people, and whether or not it was worth it in the end.

If you could have any magical power, what would you want and why?
I've always wanted to be able to read people's minds, but I don't think I could handle that and I wouldn't want to know what certain people thought of me or others. Our minds are ours for a reason, so that no one can get inside us and read our thoughts. So I would like to have the power to change the weather.. I hate winter, so if I can stop it from snowing that would be great! Haha!

You have to change your race. Which would you choose and why?
I would choose Polynesian, or Hawaiian, because they are really beautiful people, simple as that.

You can outlaw any one thing of your choosing. What is it and why?
Probably the murder and suffering of children, the world would be a much better place to live in.

Uh oh, you're stuck in a fairy tale. Which one would you rather be in?
Beauty and the Beast, seems kind of romantic, and they live happily ever after :)

If you could learn any language, which would you choose?
Non of the languages that we use in the world today are appealing to me so I would say I would like to learn Elvish like in The Lord of the Rings, it's so pretty :).

Ah ha! A fountain of youth! At what age would you rather drink from it?
Right now, age 25, but I wish I had accomplished more things by this time, but oh well.

Plant or animal (not human): which one would you rather be? Why?
I'd probably say animal because they are more interesting. And now that I have put more thought into it, I wouldn't mind being a sea turtle. They live to be a long time and their life journey seems pretty fascinating.

If you could get rid of anything in this world, what would it be? Why?
I would like to rid the world of suffering, from things like famine and drought. I'd especially like to see the Third World become non-existant, and instead become like countries like Canada and the United States.

Should everyone be carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores? Why?
The human race as a whole are carnivorse but I think we as individuals should remain as we are. There are people who eat both meat and veggies, and others who are soley vegan, or vegetarian. There probably are even people who would just rather eat meat all day.. they will die sooner than the rest of us but hey, whatever makes us happy right?

Would you ever make the world one race if you had the chance?
Only if it meant that everyone got along and was treated equally. Otherwise, no.

Would you ever make the world one religion if you had the chance?
I would say no, because an individual's religion define's who they are. And then there are those who aren't even riligious at all, so think how they would feel if the world had to be one religion.

All but ONE modern technology is outlawed. Pick the one that stays. Why?Internet. Because you can still know what is going on in the world through the web..

You can have any hair colour. Which one would you choose?
I think I'll stick the the colour I have now.

You can have any eye colour. Which one would you choose?Purple. Sweet :)

What is your dream profession (logical or not)?Meteorologist or Astronomer. I didn't excel in math or physics, so I don't think I would be able to do that.

If you had to live on another planet, which would you choose?Well, considering the majority of the planets in the solar system are made up entirely of gases, i would probably pick Mars, solid surface, close to the sun.. etc.

What holiday do wish could be celebrated 4 times a year? Why?Uh, Christmas, duh :)

Would you prefer to live under the sea or on a cloud? Why?
I would lie on a cloud all day and watch the stars go by...

What is your dream home?Big, but not too big, with a wrap around deck, two storeys, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, a pool/hot tub. Garage. Surrounded by trees and gardens, a big yard.

What is your ideal location?
Anywhere that it does not snow. Hawaii would be nice, so would Australia. New Zealand would be even better.

What month should the year consist entirely of if you have to choose?May or September.. June possibly lol.

Would you rather live outside or be forced to stay inside forever?
I love the outdoors when the weather is nice, but when it turns bad, everyone has to have shelter, so I would say inside.

What gender are you? Given the choice, would you change it? Why?
Female. Though I wish sometimes I could have a penis, that's about it.

What one issue are you the most passionate about?
I don't think there is one specific issue, but I really like animals and hate to see when they are abused or suffering. Makes me sad.

You can only eat ONE food for the rest of your life. What do you pick?
Homemade pizza, sooo good, nothing beats it. Cheesecake comes in a close second.

You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of you life. What do you pick?
Water should be the obvious choice here, but I would say chocolate milk. Pepsi would be my next choice.

If you had to see everything in only one colour, which one would you choose?Purple

What one mythological creature do you wish you could see in real life?
Loch Ness Monster...

If you had to listen to one type of music 24/7, what kind would you choose?
Anything I listen to now would be what I would pick. Pop/rock.

Would you prefer to be rich in money or rich in love for your lifetime?
As I mentioned above, money can't buy happiness, nor can it buy love. And love makes the world go round. Without it, we would probably cease to function.

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